Ukulele lessons in Toronto | Corktown and Annex Uke Jams

If you're serious about getting good...
No one can claim that theirs is the "right" way to play an instrument.
Possibilities vary and it's up to you to decide what to adopt into your playing.
Filtering for excellence is especially difficult in the realm of online learning.
We don't assume to provide a definitive method - but we can assure you that every nuance in what we present has been carefully thought about. We believe in more attention to a thoughtful grounding in posture and right hand than most ukulele learning experiences include. You'll be amazed at the difference in your playing and you'll benefit by having fun playing at a higher level.
Ours is a holistic approach that balances cool tunes with technique, theory, musicality, expression, style and groove.
Lessons are by Skype, Facetime, or in person at our studios
Lofts at 90 Sumach
(1 block west of the DVP, slightly north of Queen E)
5 x 55 minute sessions | C$292.50
($65 each for the first 4, then 50% discount on the 5th session)
C$30 per occassion for second participant, max 2 participants.
Sessions are conducted in English.
Rates are quoted and payable in $Canadian.
Applicable taxes and premiums to offset PayPal fees are incremental.
Rates assume that lessons will be conducted in our downtown Toronto studio (DVP + Queen E), or online by Skype or FaceTime.
Payment is required in full, in advance to complete and guarantee your reservation.
Cancellation Full credit for cancellations made prior to 48 hours in advance.
No credit for cancellations within 48 hours of your lesson.