Ukulele lessons in Toronto | Corktown and Annex Uke Jams


Tuesday - Friday | 8:30am-noon (arrive at Sumach Espresso)
Lofts at 90 Sumach Amenity Room
(1 block west of the DVP, slightly north of Queen E)
This 4-day series of relaxed-pace morning workshops for adults is
presented by Corktown Ukulele Jam co-founder/producer, Steve McNie.
For those who want to play but never have, this is a made-in-heaven opportunity for you to learn how to play the ukulele from the ground, up.
You'll get all of the content presented in our UKE 101 and 201 offerings - and then some.
There will be a ton of playing and singing and good times are guaranteed.
A previous grounding in music is a good starting point but it's not a prerequisite.
Pressure to sing in front of people? Zero.
If your voice could have a best friend, it would be a ukulele. That's why we sing so much at CAMPUCCINO. We put our voice out there for the enjoyment of the experience. How well you sing really doesn't matter - but the spirit that you bring matters a lot.
Our morning begins at 8:30am at Sumach Espresso, steps away from The Lofts At 90 Sumach, where camp takes place. Included in your camp experience is a coupon worth up to $5 toward whatever you would like to spend it on at Sumach Espresso, EVERY DAY of camp*! Almost everything on the espresso menu is under $5, so your glory in the morning is on us. Sumach Espresso is one of the city's most awesome cafés.
Then we head over to 90 Sumach, get tuned and warmed up. Our time is split between the natural light of the recently renovated Brewery Lofts Amenity Room and outside. Weather permitting, we'll enjoy the rooftop terrace to play before the Toronto cityscape. The pace is comfortable and the learning, fun.
this is a group setting geared to individual attention
we require a minimum of 10 participants to move forward with this offering
maximum participation: 34 -
we use "C6" tuning: G-C-E-A
there is a 15 minute break at 10:30am
you don't need a music stand... everything we read from is projected
you'll get a link to a pdf version of our each day's projected presentation, so no notes necessary
this workshop can NOT accommodate baritone ukes
minimum age: 18
a playable ukulele in decent condition that stays in tune under normal conditions
(sopranino, soprano, concert or tenor ukes only please - sorry, no baritones)
short nails! Your finger nails on both hands need to be short enough to not get in the way (trimmed to just below your finger tips)
optional but highly recommended: an electronic chromatic tuner. We love the Kala KC-02
be ready to sing a little and to let yourself have fun
* you will receive one $5 coupon for each day of camp on arrival at Sumach Espresso each morning. Each day's coupon may be redeemed toward any purchase at the café, on that day. Coupons may not be amalgamated. One coupon per day per camper. If your total purchase is less than $5, you will not receive change (no monetary value).