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Ukulele lessons in Toronto | Corktown and Annex Uke Jams
550 Dundas Street East → return to ABOUT Corktown Ukulele Jam
1 block east of Parliament at Sackville,
in the NE corner of the fabulous Daniels Spectrum Building

The Paintbox Bistro became home to the Corktown Ukulele Jam on January 14, 2015. In addition to its large, comfortable space, the Paintbox features great food, service, a state-of-the-art digital sound system, a Steinway piano and video projection.

The Paintbox is a certified B Corp,
a monitored designation awarded to progressive, socially concious companies committed to fair wages and a high standard of working conditions for all employees.
→ More here about this designation

Take the 505 Dundas streetcar from either direction
The Painbox Bistro is right on the 505 Dundas Streetcar route.
Fastest: catch it eastbound from the Dundas subway station on the Yonge line.
Almost as fast: catch it from westbound from Broadview station on the Danforth line.
Plenty of parking
There is lots free parking on vicinity sidestreets and resonably priced underground parking in the building (access from Sackville)
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