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Toronto Star | ANDREA GORDON's informed feature on our sustained growth made the front page of the Toronto Star. Ukulele jam draws folks of all ages and backgrounds, week after week 2013-02-19

The story includes this video vignette featuring Steve McNie’s demo of a nifty right hand technique he calls “chiming”.


Toronto Star | JOHN GODDARD's Tiptoeing Through The Tavern With Ukes (2009-11-09) compelled scores of Star and Metro readers to see what all the fuss was about first-hand


National Post | JOE CONNOR took stock of the Toronto uke scene in two similar pieces: Ukulele renaissance (2011-05-06) and The mighty ukulele (2011-05-07)


City TV online | MICHAEL TALBOT penned this story (2010/01/19) about CUJam's first anniversary


National Post | ALISON BROVERMAN (2010-01-19) wrote this nice piece for the National Post on The Corktown Ukulele Jam and CUJAM WEST at Lula Lounge


Toronto Star | JASON ANDERSON's Strum along with the Mighty Ukulele revival (2009-11-09) is a Toronto Star lead-up to our city's premier of Mighty Uke, the must-see ukulele documentary

radio | podcasts


Launch our audio player for an archive of several radio and podcast features about CUJam including:


CIUT | PETER STOCK's 2009-7-8 depth piece includes interviews with CUJam members and some history of the ukulele. Repeated 2010-11-18: CIUT website 


CBC Radio 1 | DAN MISENER's 2009-7-18 early attention to CUJam on Garvia Bailey Big City Small World


CBC Radio 1 | FRANK FAULK Gospel According To Uke (2009-09-13)


Jazz-FM | JAYMZ BEE’s morning show props for CUJam are heard often

television | video


CP24 Breakfast| POOJA & NNEKA (2014-01-14) Steve McNie offered ukulele tips to two delightful hosts


Cosmo Music | TORONTO NORTH UKULELE JAM (2014-12-18) Steve McNie talks about what to look forward to at Richmond Hill’s coolest new weekly event


Global Toronto | ROB LETH produced Cool Ukes, a 2011-06-23 report on the uke’s growing popularity inspired by release of Eddie Vedder's Ukulele Songs


CBC Newsworld Weekend Scene | JELENA ADZIC took a uke lesson on the Dominion patio while she got our story for what was sadly the final broadcast of the program.


Mark Holmes is in a perfect position to offer perspective on Toronto's most happening weekly stage. In addition to producing this fantastic piece , Mark also worked on the other side of the bar and was very much a part of early CUJam culture.




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